Tag: 1971

October 12 in LGBTQ History

1971: NYC Dept. of Consumer Affairs recommends repealing law that prohibits homosexuals from being employed in or frequenting the city’s bars, cabarets and dance halls. 1998: Matthew Shepard dies from his injuries sustained in a brutal attack just six days earlier.

September 6 in LGBTQ History

1935: New York University professor Dr. Louis W. Max tells a meeting of the American Psychological Association that he has successfully treated a “partially fetishistic” homosexual neurosis with electric shock therapy delivered at “intensities considerably higher than those usually employed on human subjects.” Max’s presentation is the first documented instance of aversion therapy used to … Read More

July 10 in LGBTQ History

1971: The Austrian Parliament decriminalizes homosexual acts between consenting adults. 1972: Ann Arbor, Michigan, passes the first comprehensive gay and lesbian municipal rights ordinance.

June 17 in LGBTQ History

1971: E. M. Forster-famous for such novels as Maurice, Howard’s End, A Passage to India, and A Room with a View-dies at the age of ninety-one in Coventry, England. 1985: A New Orleans man, Johnny Greene, writes an article for People magazine about his personal struggle with AIDS-Related Complex, and is rewarded for his honesty … Read More

May 6 in LGBTQ History

1868: In a letter to an early sex-law reformer, Karl Maria Kertbeny is first known to have privately used the new terms “Homosexual” and “Heterosexual”, the words aren’t in print publicly until the following year. 1933: In Berlin, young Nazis attack and destroy the Institute of Sexual Research. A few days later, the institute’s priceless … Read More

May 5 in LGBTQ History

1971: Andy Warhol’s play Pork opens at the La Mama Experimental Theater in New York City. Among the cast, making his acting debut, is an extremely talented, sixteen-year-old drag queen named Harvey Fierstein. 1981: After customs officials at New York’s JFK Airport find a gay love letter in his luggage, British traveler Phillip Fotheringham is … Read More

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