Tag: 1972

October 8 in LGBTQ History

1970: In New York City, two policemen invade a private club to interrupt a Daughters of Bilitis-New York business meeting. The blatantly harassing nature of the police action persuades many members of the hitherto low profile group of the need for militancy.

September 17 in LGBTQ History

1972: M*A*S*H premieres on CBS introducing the world to Corp. Max Klinger, televisions first on-going transvestite (but still heterosexual) character. 1979: California Governor Jerry Brown appoints Stephen M. Lachs to the Los Angeles Superior Court making him the nation’s first openly gay judge. 1986: Arch-Conservative Antonin Scalia joins the U.S. Supreme Court. 2007: The Maryland … Read More

August 9 in LGBTQ History

1972: The Ohio Secretary of State refuses to grant articles of incorporation to the Greater Cincinnati Gay Society.  Two years later, the Ohio Supreme Court upholds the decision, stating that even though homosexual acts are now legal in Ohio, “the promotion of homosexuality as a valid life style is contrary to the public policy of … Read More

July 12 in LGBTQ History

1972: At the Democratic National Convention, Madeline Davis, representing the Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier, and Society for Individual Rights leader Jim Foster are the first speakers to advocate lesbian and gay rights at a national political convention. 1984: Walter Mondale chooses New York congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate, the first female vice-presidential candidate … Read More

July 10 in LGBTQ History

1971: The Austrian Parliament decriminalizes homosexual acts between consenting adults. 1972: Ann Arbor, Michigan, passes the first comprehensive gay and lesbian municipal rights ordinance.

June 27 in LGBTQ History

1952: The McCarran-Walter Immigration and Nationality Act bars immigrants “afflicted with psychopathic personality,” a phrase that is interpreted to include all homosexuals. 1972: “Gay News”, England’s first national gay newspaper, makes its debut. 1994: Deborah Batts becomes the first openly LGBTQ U.S. federal judge. 2010: Same-sex marriage in Iceland is legalised with Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir … Read More

June 25 in LGBTQ History

1962: The United States Supreme Court rules in MANual Enterprises v. Day that photographs of nude or semi-nude men designed to appeal to homosexuals are not obscene and may be sent through the mail. 1972: The United Church of Christ becomes the first mainstream U.S. denomination to ordain an openly gay man, William Johnson. 1978: San Francisco artist … Read More

June 19 in LGBTQ History

1972: The first officially proclaimed “Gay Pride Week”—decreed by the city council several weeks earlier—gets under way in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1975: The American Medical Association approves a resolution recommending the repeal of state laws against consensual same-sex acts between adults. 1995: In Hurley v. Irish-American Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Group of Boston the United States … Read More

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