Tag: 1975

December 9 in LGBTQ History

1975: The Washington Star begins a series on homosexuality in American Sports. Inspired, Washington Redskins linebacker Dave Kopay agrees to come out to the series’ author, Lynn Rosellini.

July 23 in LGBTQ History

1975: World-famous evangelist Billy Graham states that he is in favor of gay men being ordained as ministers, though he hedges on the question of whether women should enjoy the same right.

July 15 in LGBTQ History

1962: In New York City, Randy Wicker talks listener-supported radio station WBAI into broadcasting a taped program in which seven gay people discuss homosexuality. Widely publicized in the local press, the program is believed to be the first favorable broadcast on the subject in the U.S. 1975: Santa Cruz County, California, is the first US county to … Read More

July 3 in LGBTQ History

1975: The US Civil Service Commission decides to consider applications by lesbians and gay men on a case-by-case basis. Previously, homosexuality was grounds for automatic disqualification. 1978: Actor James Daly, father of actors Tyne Daly and Timothy Daly, dies at the age of 59. His live-in lover, male model Randal G. Jones, files a “palimony” suit … Read More

July 1 in LGBTQ History

1919: In Berlin, Magnus Hirschfeld opens the Institute of Sexual Research. 1934: The Hays Code, a self-regulatory code of movie ethics, discouraging filmmakers from including frank depictions of sex and sexuality instituted by the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), becomes mandatory.  The code is nicknamed after the head of the MPPDA, former … Read More

June 19 in LGBTQ History

1972: The first officially proclaimed “Gay Pride Week”—decreed by the city council several weeks earlier—gets under way in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1975: The American Medical Association approves a resolution recommending the repeal of state laws against consensual same-sex acts between adults. 1995: In Hurley v. Irish-American Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Group of Boston the United States … Read More

May 23 in LGBTQ History

1920: Harvard University establishes an ad hoc committee to investigate homosexual activity at the school. Following two weeks of inquiries, Harvard expels several students. The tribunal becomes known as the “Secret Court” after records filed under that name are discovered in 2002. 1975: “As you no doubt expected, I am declining your invitation to participate in … Read More

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