OHP-101 Workshop Outline
THE LAVENDER EFFECT© invites schools, organizations, and community groups to participate in an introduction to Oral Histories Workshop. This intense program provides an introductory overview of the entire process, emphasizing the best techniques for interviewing regional LGBTQ+ community members. OHP-101 is taught by Creative Producer, Author, and LGBTQ+ Historian Andy Sacher.
DAY #1: Lavender LA Presentation (2.0-hours)
Los Angeles’ LGBTQ+ History: WWII to Stonewall, followed by Q&A (+ optional reception)
DAY #2: Queer Testimonies Workshop (7.0-hours)
Introduction to THE LAVENDER EFFECT® mission & programs
Creating LGBTQ+ Authentic Historical Video Testimonies
Outlining the Process including Pre-Production, Production, Post Production, & Exhibition
Lunch Break
Group Interview Practice:
- Break into groups with one elder interviewee
- Interview subject about a single milestone event
- Reflect on the experience and share with other groups
Intro to Transcripts & Paper Edits
Group Paper Edit Practice:
- Return to the same groups to review sample transcript
- Select segments of the transcript dialogue that tells a complete story
- Share the story with other groups
Exhibiting Content & Inspiring Others
Email info@thelavendereffect.org for more information.