Queer Anthology
A national, international and intergalactic Call is going out for Submissions to a new anthology with the working title Intergenerational Queer Anthology: Ending Age Apartheid and Building an Intergenerational Community which will consciously explore the roles and interdependence of ancestors, elders, adults, youth in the gay and lesbian community. It is a grassroots and netroots project.
This anthology is primarily interested in writings about individual and LGBT community-based experiences that have been life-changing because of intergenerational relationships.
This anthology is based on the understanding that throughout the world and throughout recorded history, cultures have usually divided life into four stages–youth, adult, elder, ancestor. If it is working right, there is a dynamic and healthy interdependence among generations, based on mutuality and reciprocity, in which everyone thrives and benefits. People do not feel alone and abandoned. There is a real connection to community.
This anthology has been guided in its effort to bring conscious a cross-cultural insight. Malidoma Some, an initiated West African shaman and elder from Burkina Faso, has observed: “If elders are lost, adults will be lost; and if adults are lost, youth will be lost.” It places primary responsibility for the maintenance of the well-being and welfare of our community on the shoulders of conscious, visible and functioning gay and lesbian elders.
This anthology has been influenced by elder and storyteller extraordinaire Michael Meade when he observed: “Given half a chance, the youth will take their steps and trust the river of life. The bigger question may be whether a village can be created that can truly accept and receive them. Those who wish to work as mentors and elders have to keep one eye on the youth–and another on conditions in the village.”
- What is the condition of the community we are currently creating for our young people?
- Are we creating a community to bequeath to them?
This anthology has completed Phase I of its development (February to August 2015) which involved building the project’s infrastructure. Phase II is now commencing (September 2015) which will focus on (1) inviting submissions, (2) editing of submissions, and (3) preparing a completed manuscript for prospective publishers. People of any age skilled in those areas are particularly needed by us (see Who We Are),
- We invite you to submit an essay.
- If interested, peruse the rest of this website for the information you need.
- If the information you need is not here, contact us with your question.
The only way we will get the kind of intergenerational community we want to live in is to create it.
Go to www.queeranthology.org for more informaiton.